Welcome to Your Yoga Habit!

Watch the video below to learn how the course works! We'll all start together on the 1st. In the meantime, join our Whatsapp group (we'll only use it to communicate about upcoming Zoom workshops and vital information for the course) by using this link.

Meet your teachers:


RYT 200, MSc in Health Psychology

Nadia is your habit coach. She'll be guiding you through the habit theory lessons throughout our course, and teaching you how to implement all the best tricks and tools that science has to offer to make your yoga practice stick.

MEGAN MULRINE | Yogatrotter Academy

E-RYT 500+, Yoga Teacher Trainer

Megan is your yoga mastery coach. Part of loving your practice is feeling knowledgeable about the subject, so with Megan, you'll dive deeper into yoga philosophy and the mechanics of the practice to learn how to create the yoga habit that's best for you.

Let's get started!

Yoga Habit Schedule Feb.pdf
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